جديد البوابة

أطروحة: أثر الانفتاح و التحرير المالي على القطاع المالي الجزائري (بوغزالة أمحمد عبد الكريم)

أطروحة: أثر الانفتاح و التحرير المالي على القطاع المالي الجزائري (بوغزالة أمحمد عبد الكريم)

أطروحة: أثر الانفتاح و التحرير المالي على القطاع المالي الجزائري (بوغزالة أمحمد عبد الكريم)

الجامعة: جامعة الجزائر 3

سنة المناقشة: 2016


The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of financial liberalization policies on the development of Algerian financial sector after the nineties ( 1990) global reforms.

 With regard to the limited role of Algerian financial stock market and non-banks financial institutions, we focused on banking sector as a main financing body.

 Different aspects of financial development, agreed in recent researches, concerning economic stabilization, organizational and institutional structure have been taken in our study.

 The theoretic result shows that a high level of financial liberalization motivate and increase the development level of financial sector, with condition of achieving the same level of organizational and institutional development and achieving the same level of economic and political stabilization.

 The empirical result shows that a real development in financial sector have started ten years after the beginning of reforms, when the General Index of Financial Development, which includes ( 07 ) indicators to measure financial development, have a positive rate. 

Therefore, Algeria have a lot of efforts to do concerning the effectiveness of non-bank institutions and the development of financial stock market.

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